Monday, April 21, 2014

Grey with a Silver Lining

I told my husband that I would not buy anymore furniture until I finished what was in my garage.  Glad that I had my fingers crossed behind my back cause I found this little table!  How could I say no?  It was half price, and the details were so cute!


The plan was to hide it until he wasn't looking at then throw it in the garage.  The plan was going well until I forgot that I took his car when I picked it up!  DOH!!!


I have been holding onto a jar of Martha Stewart's Polished Silver for a while now.  This was the perfect piece to use it on.

I painted it in an oops grey that I found at Home Depot.  I always snag grey when I see it.  Grey is such a popular color right now.  Sometimes I just mix a couple of them together and see what comes out!

I love the little flowers!

The next time I am trying to be sneaky, I might just have to be a little more sneaky!


1 comment:

  1. Well you couldn't pass that cute little number up!!! I've gotten really good at hiding things too! It's all part of a day in the life of a furniture flipper!! lol! Great job on the re-do!
