Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Black Hutch

Hi friends!  I hope that you are all well.  I am so excited to show you my very first hutch.  This year, I really want to work on pieces that 2013 Wendy wouldn't dare.  I always thought that big pieces were a time thief and I wasn't up for the challenge.  I finally bit the bullet and bought my hutch a couple of weeks ago.  Other than being outdated, it was in PERFECT condition. 

Here is the before.

And here is the after.

Isn't it lovely????  I can't believe not too long ago, I admitted that I didn't like black furniture.  It has grown on me completely.  I think it looks so classy and timeless!

I am so excited how it turned out.  I might just have to go find another hutch!
